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Flood Guides

To bring together good practice principles and success stories of resilience, we're creating a series of interactive 'Flood Guides'. These link to the episodes we've made within Hazard + Hope and showcase a range of strategies for property flood resilience and flood risk adaptation. 

The first guide shown below looks at 'HOW TO MAKE YOUR HOME RESILIENT TO FLOODING'. 



Stories of ways in which people have adapted

their homes to be more flood resilient 



In January 2020, Ed’s RIBA publication ‘Retrofitting for Flood Resilience: A Guide to Building and Community Design’ was released. The book is a detailed and highly visual resource that showcases the causes and consequences of different types of flooding, as well as tools, techniques and strategies at a variety of scales that can be used to adapt the build/natural environment to be resilience to this threat.  

RIBA's book on adapting to climate change by Ed Barsley

“We’re at the start of the climate decade. The ideas in this book are absolutely key to what we should be doing.”


Chair of the Environment Agency & UK Commissioner to the Global Commission on Adaptation

© 2022 by The Environmental Design Studio

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